Category Archives: Route 53 – Life is A Highway

Just ramblings about my everyday life. I often wonder if other people think these things too. Some day my children can read these thoughts and maybe the will say, “Hmm, so that is what dad was really thinking” or, “At least I would know what dad would do if he were in my situation”

March Madness – The Human Spirit

How do you go from where you are to where you wanna be? And I think you have to have an enthusiasm for life. You have to have a dream, a goal. And you have to be willing to work for it.
Jim Valvano, ex-coach NC State and founder of the V Foundation 

Before I begin with today’s post, please indulge me for a second.  In a continuation of yesterday’s post I was hit, by one of the new employees at my company with the question of “Where do you get your dry cleaning done?”  I told her that we lived far apart and that my dry cleaner, despite the “secret Chinese discount” she offers me would not be worth the 5 mile drive for $1 per shirt.  She looked at me stunned and told me she pays $6 per shirt for her “Green Cleaners”  $6 per shirt!!!  Are you kidding?!!  The only thing green about that is the money laundering they are doing there!!!  I’d rather throw out the shirt and buy a new one!

Has this world gone mad?  I promise not to go on an AIG tirade. It serves no purpose.

Of course this time of year is when American sports fans go crazy with their college basketball brackets.  I’m no different ever since my high school chemistry teacher got us hooked.  It became more of an addiction when my wife went to business school at Duke University which along with UNC combine to make March Madness an annual tradition.

The pageantry and the emotional ups and downs of each year though pale in comparison to the lifelong lessons that have come out of this Men’s basketball Tournament.  While Duke, UNC, Kansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisville and UCLA have combined to win 37 of the 70 championships, to me nothing has defined March Madness and the popularity of the tournament as the stories about those underdogs and especially those underdogs who showed us what heart and emotion can bring to any situation.

The quote for today’s blog comes from Jim Valvano, the coach of the 1983 Championship which many will claim was one of the two greatest upsets in NCAA Championship game history (the Villanova perfect game against Georgetown being the other).  More memorable than the dramatic last second victory was Jim Valvano’s crazy celebration and then 10 year’s later his speech at the ESPY awards as he battled cancer.  The quote above was once of his many quotes from that evening and in his speeches that he made up until his death.

To me. equally inspirational was the story of Hank Gathers and Bo Kimble, two young men from Philadelphia who transferred to Loyola-Marymount in Los Angeles and made them into a one-time wonder.  In 1990, Hank Gathers died from an abnormal heart condition during the teams last game of the season.  The team was still given a birth in the tournament and with a heavy heart Bo Kimble led his team to the regional finals with the spirit of fans everywhere behind them.  Bo shot free throws left handed in honor of his childhood friend who was left handed and made upset after upset victory until they were eventually eliminated by the eventual champion, UNLV.

So while many may look at this tournament as just another result of sports crazy hysteria in the US.  I look at it for stories of the human spirit.  I don’t know if I will find anything new, but you never know.  The stories of everlasting friendship and courage in the face of death would be hard to beat.

Some may say that I am over-extending the meaning of what this tournament represents, but it is what it is for me. 

Today we met some new friends (they are actually old friends that we met online) and what might have looked like a casual meeting was really more than that.  We met another couple we befriended through an online breast cancer forum.  They have gone through much of what we have gone through with the same physicians but about 15 months ahead of my wife.  After meeting for lunch I had a brief chat with my wife.  She remarked at how happy they looked and I agreed.  While we didn’t discuss it I could see that my wife was making a mental note.  She asked me again how far ahead of her surgery they were in terms of time and noted that timeline would put us somewhere around August 2010.  Her mind was racing there.  For her it wasn’t the mental model but the physical model and goal of where she will be heading.

For me, this is the most wonderful time of the year.  March Madness, the Masters, and baseball is beginning.  Yes, my spirit sure is being lifted.  March Madness means different things to every one of us, but as long as it means something, that’s good!  Just have a dream and a goal.

It Ain’t Easy Being Green

When you find out you will die, thats when you decide to live. – tagline from the upcoming movie, Veronika Decides to Die

Happy St. Patty’s Day, and if it still is wherever you are, you can take off that silly green shirt or even those horrific plaid green pants!  Yes I do own a pair of lime green ones for special golf occasions.  I do think that the Irish probably get together and laugh at all of us for wearing all these shades of green.  I mean, look at me!  Asian guy, who needs to work on his tan and wearing this pale green oxford shirt.  Not a pretty look!  You’d definitely need to down a few beers to look at me in this shirt. 

Speaking of “Green”, it sure is getting expensive to be “green”  In fact, it sure is costing more. In San Francisco where we pay for the highest gas prices in the continental US, we are thinking of adding another tax to drive more people to alternative fuel usage and to drive less.  Gas prices incidentally are already high due to taxes to pay for roads and better fuel emission standards.  We already pay more for our Green compost boxes which in our household seems to be getting more full and stinkier than the regular trash bin and the “recycling” bin which seems to get no love anymore.  Part of that is because we no longer use paper bags at the grocery store and we have seriously cut back on our use of the printed media.  Speaker of the House (and my former neighbor when I was a kid), Nancy Pelosi, is trying to save our local newspaper from bankruptcy.  I hate to break Mrs. Pelosi’s heart (yeah, that’s what I called her growing up) but we have to let go.  The online newspapers are here and in much the same way that “television killed the radio star”, newspapers are being overcome by the internet where we cannot wait for the printed word as by the time it reaches us, it is old news.  Hey it won’t hurt to save a few trees either.

I think government is learning a hard lesson these days.  In fact, I think the economy is teaching us all a big lesson.  I have always been a big believer in business and trusting the efficient markets and the bright people who run corporate America.  Well obviously that has changed eith the way senior management have run some of our largest institutions into the ground.  Now on the other side, here is government saying that they can help save these organizations and regulate them yet we are now overrun by the outrageous scandal of the AIG and its executives who have taken the money we provided to them from taxpayer money and are rewarding their executives.  Obviously governmentis not prepared to regulate the behavior of our corporations even when they own 80% of them.  Human nature just can’t be controlled to that extreme and the power of the people is too powerful.  It requires leadership of incredible proportions.    For those who know the “Myth of Sisyphus”  who was condemned to push the same rock up a hill over and over again I can only imagine an avalanche chasing Barack Obama and Timothy Geithner down a hill.

Business is just too tough for the government to try and regulate.  I look  at one of my current businesses where the government were unable to regulate (and I’m not sure they could have stopped it) the free downloading of music.  What did this do?  It ruined the royalty income of many great performers who wanted to sit back and earn their royalties from every sale of their albums and CDs.  They say that an artist would earn a dollar from every album sold but yet today they get maybe $.10 when someone legally downloads a song but nothing when they share it with their 10 friends for free.  So what this has done is it has forced many performers to keep touring instead of retiring.  Concerts used to be less than 15% of an artist’s income while album royalties made up over 75%.  Now it is just the reverse.  The only thing is that I don’t know if I still want to see Styx or Air Supply anymore.  To put it to comparison, Michael Jackson was the greatest of his time in the ’80s and when you compare to U2 the numbers are staggering.  In his day, Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” alone sold over 110 million copies (not to mnetion his other 11 other studio albums) while U2, undoubtedly the greatest rock band of today, has sold 145 million in total (12 albums). 

So now that these artists want to go out and sell tickets on tour, governments are now listening to the consumers who feel cheated by the high price of tickets.  These are the same consumers who are getting this music for free because the governments failed to regulate their illegal downloading and copying. 

Yes, tis a vicious cycle and what is scary in times like this is that everyone is forced to think about themselves first and others second.  Everybody holds on to what they have and supports issue that help them get back to where they feel most comfortable.  it is definitely all abot the “green” money.

So how do we get out of this?  I don’t have any great solution.  Yes I went to a great business school and even had 2 Nobel Laureates in Economics as professors, but this recession is bigger than any one of us.  We do all have to suck it up and work together. 

Yesterday I heard the head of the Fed say that the recession would be over later this year!  I just can’t see it.  Until we all regain our money lost in our pensions and 401Ks, we all feel more comfortable about our jobs if we still have them, and our faith and trust in our financial system is restored, there will not be a recovery.  What are these people thinking?

My best solution?  Well I’d recommend a universal 4% interest rate.  It would put homes in range of those who can afford it.  Those people who have money and equity in their homes can take on some debt and throw that back out into the economy as well. I think the current solution to the mortgage problem is not a big enough move and only helps those in trouble today and it may not help them for good.  It just postpones the inevitable.  Those who lost their jobs and are having problems paying their current mortgage will still have a problem tomorrow without a job.    The problem with my solution?  Well the banks will lose some income as their margins are reduced on their profitable mortgages.  They’ll likely start charging more for other services and other debt such as credit cards. …….ah yes, “the greening of America” .  I think Kermit the Frog must be rolling around wondering what is going on here!

Which leads to probably the last line of this rambling blog entry….What the heck is he thinking about that quote at the beginning?  Well I’ve been writing recently about how my wife has had some great motivation.  It just made sense to me although it really had nothing to do with this post.  The tagline by the way came from a movie that is coming out.  Last year before my wife was diagnosed with cancer we happened to be out for our anniversary at a cool hotel in New York called The Hotel on Rivington (Thor).  We happened to be there the same night of a closing party for the filming of a the movie, Veronika Decides to Die.  The hotel was closed only to guests and the party.  Somehow I got caught in the elevator with the cast and swept into the party.   I did write a review of the hotel.  Well today, I just saw my first preview advertisement for the movie, so I thought I’d research it and found the tagline for the movie.

Dodging Raindrops, Chasing Dreams

The obstacles you face are mental barriers which can be be broken by adopting a positive approach – Clarence Blasier, author

Another weekend gone. We always judge time by events and this weekend will be marked by the end of our children’s basketball season and the rained out beginning to our son’s baseball season.  Somehow I was able to miss the rain and get in a few runs to push me past the 250 mile mark this year.  Even tonight as I ran I started to feel the drops as I raced down the straightaway of Lake St. back to my home.  Once again I felt a new power in my legs tonight and broke through some new personal bests. 

But it wasn’t my own personal bests that I was concerned with as I ran tonight.  Once again it was my wife’s personal best.  One week away from her next surgery and she’s working hard, being a great mother and talking about all kinds of things she wants to do next weekend, this summer and the rest of the year.  Her concerns aren’t about herself but about others.  Mind you I do my running to work on my own health.  I don’t have a weight issue but like many men my age I have cholesterol issues that are a combination of stress, diet and non-exercise.  I’ve dealt with this for 20 years now and know how to control it but my numbers always fluctuate when I don’t take care of myself.  My wife knows this and has made me promise to get a full work-up at my next physical next month  (yes I may join the many on cholesterol drugs this time next month).  As I ran through the last raindrops her thoughts and dreams reminded me of how she hadn’t taken her eye off of her hopes despite the many health issues she is still facing.  Maybe it isn’t how we remember our life by events, but by our dreams.

Weekends are still the time these days when we can catch up with each other and remember to tell each other the many things such as who is not coming back next year to our school, who is sick and having surgery, etc.  It was sad to hear that the economy is having an effect on the make-up of the classroom at our children’s school.  Friends and families are having to move.  Another set of friends from our our children’s nursery school days are having to move to Dallas.  This is tough on my wife because the mom is a god friend and was very helpful during my wife’s battle with cancer.  Our children are of similar ages and both women are from New Jersey so they often talk about raising their chidren in Northern California and the diferences from the area they grew up in.  I look at my children and they have no idea of the magnitude of the changing world around them.  They do occasionally pick it up in the morning when I read the newspaper or the morning  and ask a few questions and about how it pertains to them, but I try not to get too deep and have them worry.

Before my wife went to sleep tonight we checked our schedules and she reminded me of potential lunch plans with some out of  visitors who are visiting their oncologist this week.  It is interesting how the Web works these days.  You can meet people online and create some pretty good friendships.  One of my better friends in life I met just 16 years ago when discussing online about the death of a fireman who was a mutual friend in an accident that was a well publicized tragedy.  It just happened that the next week I was at the funeral, we met and became fast friends.  To this day we still communicate via email a couple times a week and have probably only seen each other 3-4 times since that day we met.  So maybe my wife will be able to maintain her friendships through correspondence.

I guess guys are more that way than women.  I have maintained strong friendships since my younger days.  The many events we shared together are memories that bind us.  Sharing success with my best friend Dave has bound us together for life and it doesn’t take much to get us together even if we haven’t talked to each other for a while.  You can still walk up to Dave and ask him about our favorite personal sporting triumphs together and he’ll tell you it was a  basketball game  against Marin Academy when we were in high school and he and I had a sort of mental telepathy that day in which we were on fire and scored at will.  There are many stories like that and they bring a smile to our faces. 

I hope my children are able to build these kinds of friendships in their lives.  Long-lasting ones which start early in their lives.  They start when there is such an innocent purpose as to why they become friends with someone and their bond becomes a fabric of events which are tightly woven.  Dreams happen much in the same way.  They are created innocently until they become an obsession and something they expect in life.  I hope they dream big and never let them go.

Which goes back to living your life by dreams and keeping time by those dreams.  I always dreamed of having a job I’d love to go to everyday.  I dreamed of playing golf in exotic and beautiful places , I dreamed of having a big party with all my friends and making them happy.  I still dream some of those dreams and more importantly I have friends to share in them.  Donald Wilhelm wrote in his book that he needed to get rid of the negative people in his life to move on.  I had to come to grips with some of that these past few weeks.  It doesn’t mean that they can’t be my friend or that being negative or down is wrong.  It is that when you dream, you don’t need the people closest to you shooting down your dreams.  It is all that most of us hold onto.  So if any of you out there are having a bad day, just make sure you don’t drg the ones you love down with you.     

Gold Medal Celebrity Sighting

Me and Gold Medalist Apolo Anton Ohno
Me and Gold Medalist Apolo Anton Ohno
Last year I had the opportunity to meet and have dinner with Gold Medalist Apolo Anton Ohno in New York.  Apolo is an inspirational story as he was raised by a single parent father who straightened out a rebel and turned him into a world champion and 5-time Olympic Medalist.
The one thing I found interesting about Apolo was the great story about his relationship with his father.  Skating set him straight and his father saw it as a way to keep him focused.  Apolo told me that his continued dedication is how he pays his father back for helping to keep him straight and owes all his success to his father’s fortitude which served as a great example. 
If you haven’t heard the story about how his father left him out in the remote wilderness to think about his life, you should read about Apolo’s life.
I sure wish Apolo good luck in 2010 in Vancouver!

Hope Rides Again

If you always raise your head and look straight ahead, you will avoid stepping in dog poop – James Hom, my dad

I don’t know what it is, but tonight’s run was my fastest in the past two months.  My body ached, my legs are tired and yet I had a very strong run.  As always, lots of thoughts ran through my head tonight including the quote above which is something I randomly remember my dad telling me as a kid after I came home with dog poop on my shoe.  All kinds of things still run through my head after a run and I always scramble to get them down on paper.  It is when my thinking is the clearest and least conflicted.  What else ran through my head?  My cousin, Jenkin ,who died 15 years ago at the age of 45 from a heart attack was on my mind (probably because I need my physical next month) , Chad Moutray and his daughter (as he wrote me today on Facebook), and of course the economic crisis that our country is dealing with (yikes taxes are due and so is my real estate ptoperty tax next month).  Everytime I run and these thoughts flood my head, I feel compelled to write them down before I go to sleep and forget them. 

Why do I write this?  My dad was a pretty private person. I don’t remember thinking that my dad was such an open book.  There was always some mystery to me about who my dad was.  I for one remember following my dad one night to see where he went (he went back to his office to put together some models for someone’s teeth).  I mean I did know him, but not his inner thoughts.  In Chad Moutray’s book he does a great job of sharing his wife’s feelings and hope with us through her notes and his interpretations.  I feel like I know what she is like even though I never met her.  I want my spouse to be able to read these thoughts and know what I was really thinking.  Sometimes we are running around so much that we never sit down and actually communicate. 

The quote at the top was quite appropriate yesterday as I drove to work.  The sign in the Niketown window read: “Hope Rides Again” in reference to Lance Armstrong riding in the Tour de California bike race.  The sign had been up for a couple weeks but I finally had my head up and was watching. It was like a  big message for me the last couple days.  Kind of like in “Field of Dreams”….”Ease his Pain” and “If you Build it, he will come”.

Maybe my mind was cluttered by my concern for my wife.  They found some swollen nodes at her last pre-operative check-up last week.  We were wondering if the cancer had come back.  They took a biopsy and fortunately we got the results today that it was all clear.  Whew!  My wife had told me not to worry, but what was I to do!?  You try and distract yourself and forget, but you can’t!

At least her visit with the Plastic Surgeon went well. She really likes him so that is what is best.  It will be a little longer than the original hour projected so they will have to put her under again more than just local sedation.

(I’m going to finish this tomorrow as I need sleep)

Ah Friday.  I’ve been terribly efficient today and need to be given that this weekend will be spent as a chauffeur between Little League and Basketball playoffs.   A good excuse to get outside I guess. 

Not sure why Ididn’t just end this post last night as I fell asleep watching “Survivor” on Tivo so I will end it now


Only love, only love can leave such a mark
But only love, only love can heal such a scar
  – U2, Magnificent

Can you tell I love the new U2 album?  The song, Magnificent, not only has that classic ambient guitar reverb that makes their music so identifiable, but the lyrics this time are so mature and reflect the new angle that this band has taken.  I don’t like all the songs on the album, but there are some new classics which will be part of their legacy.

The song has been added to my running music and really helps drive me up and down the San Francisco hills and reminds me of all my wife’s struggles and scars from her struggles over the past year.  Ironically as my wife gets ready for her (hopefully) final surgery to reduce the scarring and any kind of residual malformations, we are not at all worried and our love for each other grows more and more each day.  Communication and understanding are by far better than ever (she still is the world’s worst back seat driver, LOL) and when we miscommunicate the issues just dissipate more quickly than ever.

For those who are wondering, and without going into great detail, plastic surgery (why plastic anyway?) is a bit of an art form. The most significant factor is the technical skill and artistic sense of the surgeon. Without excellent technical skill and the eye of an artist, results can range from failure to an aesthetically displeasing outcome.  My wife is just having some scar revisions done so that they heal correctly.  Additionally there is some asymmetry going on that is probably more of an issue for me visually.  While I don’t really mind, my wife can see it on my face and thus wants me to be real in all my emotions for her.  “No secrets and no sympathy” she tells me.  I’m trying.  The Lord knows I’m trying.  Yes, that means when I don’t like her cooking I must tell her rather than to hold my nose and swallow.  What can I say, I’m not a good poker player when it comes to my wife.  She knows I’m an open book.

It is TRULY magnificent how she has now out-done me in dreaming big and enjoying life and being honest in one’s feelings.  It is always something I felt like I had to pull teeth with but now she’s pulling me along.  Now I’m feeling like I can’t keep up.  I actually decided I needed to go get a check up soon.  Although I’m scared to find out if I have anything wrong other than high cholesterol, hardened arteries, etc, I just would like to have our family have a year of normalcy and fear having to drag my own family into another inconsistent year of health.  I do finally want to get some biopsies done on something that my doctors have said for years “is nothing”.  I just want that peace of mind.

Peace of mind is a hard thing to get these days.  Economic reports of 11.4MM Americans unemployed and that doesn’t even include those who are underemployed.  That is crazy when you think that the state of Ohio is only 11.6MM people.  Basically the whole state of Ohio would be unemployed. 

SO what should we do?  What’s not working?  I personally think the government should institute a national home mortgage interest rate of 4%. Anyone can negotiate a 30 year fixed mortgage at that rate as long as they qualify.  This should be done without closing costs or prepayment penalties if you are re0financing.  We need to stop bailing out the banks and start bailing out the people who have money with the banks.  This will prevent more de-valued housing from falling onto bank books.  It will also stimulate the economy for those who still have some excess income so that they can throw it into the economy.  Those who own their homes outright can take a secured loan and use that money to make improvements on their homes or spend it.  The current recovery plan just bails out more people who don’t have jobs to afford their mortgages in the first place.  It isn’t helping.

Perception vs. Introspection

People only see what they are prepared to see – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sundays are a nice time for me these days to reflect on all things.  In fact, it is a time when I can figure what to write here.  Someone asked me how I started writing.  I used to keep a travel journal back in my 20s about my travels.  I had the chance to visit beautiful places in the world and would sketch them.  Eventually I went to business school at the University of Chicago, one of the most quantitative of business schools with 3 Nobel Laureates in economics amongst its faculty.  Most graduates from the school are known as quant jocks or spreadsheet jockeys.  Combine that with my undergraduate degree from Carnegie Mellon (once voted as the school with the worst social life in the country) and you would see that on paper my resume depicted me as someone who was bright with no social skills.

We are all given preconceived notions about people as soon as we see them.  As an Asian kid from two heavy quantitative schools I always had to fight a reputation as a geek even if I was one.  Carnegie Mellon incidentally along with Drexel became the first two campuses that required you to puy a computer.  At the University of Chicago Business School they recognized the need to develop well-rounded MBAs and wanted to supplement our core curriculum with “soft skills”.  Interestingly, enough, soft skills are thought to be taught only through experiential learning and thus you have to go through trial and error to no how to develop and recognize them.  Included in our program for the development of soft skills was a booklet that we called our Minitab where  we wrote down notes using active terms such as “I feel” or “I think” to describe our non-school thoughts.  At that time I was getting ready to get married so I had a lot to write about daily and I continued to do so.  Given that the University of Chicago is known for its hard-core finance discipline, teaching soft skills was definitely not something people cared about.  I remember recruiters saying, “I want a quant jock, not someone in touch with their inner peace”.  Nonetheless I learned a lot about myself.

One of those tools that we used was a Myers-Briggs Personality Test which provides you with a Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that judges you among four indicator preferences. The four preferences together make up your whole type. There are 16 possible types. MBTI reports tell you your preference for each of four pairs:

  • Extraversion or Introversion E or I
  • Sensing or Intuition S or N
  • Thinking or Feeling T or F
  • Judging or Perceiving J or P

 Most MBAs, especially those at top business schools are Type A personalities where everything is BIG, and Cut and DRY, thus they are ENTJ.  In fact I recall in a group of 48 people in my cohort that almost 80% were ENTJs.  When we had to stand up based upon our types, people thought I was kidding when I stood up as an ISFP.  My friend Jerry, a blue collar, tough talker who grew up the son of a major auto-executive told me to sit down and stop kidding around.  “You?  an introvert?”.  It is true.  you see, many of my classmates rightly saw me as an ENTJ like them, but my inner comfort level was as an ISFP.  The (I) introvert in me would get exhausted after a day of interacted with lots of people and I would need to retire to my solitude to recharge my batteries and take personal inventory of my life.  There really are two Myers-Briggs outcomes.  There is the MBTI you get from your friends and how they perceive your personality to be and then there is the MBTI you get from your own self analysis.  You can get your own Myers-Briggs test here.

Today for me was one of those ISFP days.  In the Chinese culture we have something called “Ching Ming” (QingMing) which translates to Tomb Sweeping Day and other have translated it to mean the “Clear and Brightness Festival”.  It usually occurs around April 5th but this year we celebrated it early to accomodate the busy schedule of our families (cousins, aunts, uncles).  On this day we honor our elders who have passed (my Italian wife says it feels similar to Memorial Day).  We burn fake money, scrub the tombstone, bow three times in front of the tombstone of my grandparents and then place burning incense and fresh flowers.  My grandparents are buried in a Chinese cemetary in Colma which is known for more dead people than alive people (Thousands to one in fact).

When my grandmother died, she left my father as executor of her estate and they did a very unique thing.  They gave each of the brothers and sisters a little moneybut also put a little account together and each year at Ching Ming our family gets together for a luncheon.  It is a great way to make sure the Usually 60-70 of us. This year my wife helped to arrange the gathering which I’m sure she felt somewhat amused to do.  These days I feel she is more appreciative of the Asian culture than me.  I guess that is an indication of my wife’s new lease on life these days.  She’s opening up to so many challenges and exploring uncharted waters.  My perception of her has changed and she is thinking of changing her own self perception.

Tha amusing note of this day was that we play this game in our family when we listen to the radio that you blurt out the name of the singer as soon as a song starts.  Suddenly a song came on and I blurted out “Lenny Kravitz”.  My kids have no idea who he is, but my wife knows it has a special funny meaning for me.  My dad used to listen to music stations when he fixed people’s teeth so he knew his pop music pretty well.  The night of my bachelor party was the night of the famous “slow speed chase with OJ Simpson”.  My dad took over that night and suddenly this raven haired woman grabbed me to the back room and danced for me to two Lenny Kravitz tunes that my dad requested. I couldn’t believe my dad did this to me.  After the dance there stood my dad at the bar surrounded by my buddies with the biggest smile on my face.  He patted me on the back and went home early but he had left his mark.  Little did he know that 15 years later it would hit me on Ching Ming.

As soon as we heard the song and I blurted out “Lenny Kravitz”, my wife laughed out loud.  Yes, she knows all about my bachelor party.  We share everything.  She knowingly put her hand on my shoulder as I both teared up and smiled at one of my treasured moments that my dad gave me.  Yes, all is Clear and Bright to me now.

Review: Marriott Newport Beach Resort


Marriott Newport Beach
Marriott Newport Beach


900 Newport Center Drive

Newport Beach, California 92660
Reservations 866 440 3375  |  T 949 640 4000  |  F 949 640 5055
Hotel Decor: 87 Orange County chic with a nautical feel.  Outdoor lounge areas make the resort feel spacious
Hotel Amenities: 83 All rooms have an exterior face.  There are large spaciious rooms in the tower overlooking Fahion Islan Mall or the golf course and Pacific Ocean.  The lower three-story structureshave smaller rooms overlooking the pool areas.
Neighborhood Scene: 80 Fashion Island Mall is a stones throw away and the beaches are a short drive away.
Miscellaneous: The hotel is about 20 miles from the Disneyland resort and is only a $20 cab ride from the Orange County (John Wayne Airport).  The Hotel has a very nice restaurant as well. 
Overall Wow Factor: 85 Service and a relaxing environment are key factors here.  The resort has three pools and is very clean.  There are many oudoor lounge areas with outlets in case you need to work but would at least like to feel like you are getting some R&R in.  There are water stations throughout with orange wedges.  I even went out for a late night swim and when I got to my towel someone had placed a cool glass of water next to my deck chair. 
King Room
King Room

 The rooms in the lower structure are small with glass showers but I found them to be all that I needed to relax while staying there for a conference.  With palm trees all around and beautiful sunsets you might even be able to trick yourself into thinking that you are in Hawaii.  All rooms have a balcony that make the rooms feel larger.

Quiet Swimming Area
Quiet Swimming Area

I found the resort to be fairly quiet, especially in the non-tower rooms.  My room rate was a reasonable $159/nt and I’d especially recommend the resort to Marriott Reward members who are looking for a nice place to spend their weekend.

Daddy’s Little Girl

A son is a son till he takes him a wife, a daughter is a daughter all of her life.  ~Irish Saying

Today my daughter turns seven and I woke up to her peeking through my cracked bedroom door with a smile waving at me.  Ah youthful innocence.  She was already dressed and ready for school, but I pulled her close and sang her a quiet “Happy Birthday” without waking her mother.  I gave her a little kiss and she ran off to give me another 10 minutes of sleep until the snooze button wore off.

Being a dad of a daughter is tough.  Just as much as I would imagine being the mom of a son.  Although I saw how my dad interated with my sister and how my grandfather interacted with my mother, I’m not sure if either of those examples were good or even if I could be that kind of dad.  My grandfather for sure was very male chauvinistic coming from the old country and treated my mom differently than her six brothers.  For me, being the #1 son of the #1 daughter was like being an outcast because I didn’t carry the family name. I know my sister loved my dad, but I’m sure if I pressed her that she say she would liked to have been able to establish a relationship with her where he saw her as an independent strong woman.  I don’t think that ever happened.  Even when I asked my mother about if she thinks more about my dad or her parents, she said there is no competition.  “Your dad would have been 80 this year and would have been wanting to go siurfing in Hawaii.  My own dad was an SOB and he wouldn’t deny it”.  Well it is true.  Despite all the monetary and physical things my grandfaterh gave my mother, true father-daughter love and admirationwas not one of those things he shared with her.

Seven is not old, but I see my daughter growing quickly before my eyes.  That loose tooth that she currently is sporting is like my lifeline to her younger years.  Even now I see my awkwardness when we hug.  Maybe I’m just too big to hug.  We definitely have that bond as a parent and child but I want to take it to the father/daughter level.  I don’t have that relationship I see her have with her mother.  I feel more like a provider than a father.  I’m probably going to pick up and start reading a book that I gave many years back to my own dad.  “Fatherhood” by Bill Cosby.  Maybe I can get some insight there.

Maybe I’m asking too much.  Having my daughter give me a big hug and an “I missed you” after a long business trip or coming to me when she needs a little help with something.  It just makes a dad feel wanted and needed.  I’m sure it will develop more over time.  They say boys are easy and girls are tough.  There are those others that say when you have a son you worry about him but when you have a daughter you worry about everyone else’s sons.  That may be true, but I first want to have a releationship with my daughter that I will know to serve as a basis for all men in her life.  One where I can teach her independence and the ability to work with the opposite sex in a respectful and intelligent manner.  Every successful woman I’ve met has said they had a positive role model in their own mother but  a great relationship model with their own father.  Its that relationship that I want to grow with my own daughter.

We still do have great times together.  On our recent trip to Disneyland, my wife and I made a conscious effort so that I took my daughter on most rides and my son took my wife on all the crazy rollercoasters.  I think my wife definitely got sick of all those crazy drops and our son had a good time watching the horror on his mother’s face.  The highligh for me though was driving the Autopia cars with my daughter.  I just fastforwarded myself 9 years and could imagine how our first driving lesson would go.  It was a riot.  And I think my daughter loved driving pops around.  Yep, she’s daddy’s Little Girl.

No Line on The Horizon

Here’s where we gotta be
Love and community
Laughter is eternity
If joy is real

– U2 , Get on Your Boots

I just thought I’d have to use the name of the U2 album which came out this week as the title of one of my posts.  Life has been crazy with 5 consecutive weeks of travel, many sleepless nights (some due to my own pursuit of pleasure), and much going on in every aspect of my life.  If I stayed true to my metaphor of “the road of life”, I’d be driving a VW Bus filled with all my life’s belongings listening to the Doobie Brothers and going on a road trip to nowhere.  Yes, truly, no line on that horizon for sure.  Just going where the wind takes me.  Oh and for those who really know me and say that I can fall asleep anywhere, it is true.  I think I’m probably the only person around who sleeps from takeoff to landing on flights.  In fact, this morning I slept my whole way down to LA.

Sitting down with my thoughts or even going for a run on my own has been a bit of  a chore these days.  Even as I write this I find myself sitting on a cramped stool at a Samsung Mobile station at Los Angelese International Airport (LAX). 

The cab ride here through Los Angeles rush hour traffic actually gave me time to take a snooze and think about things for once.  My wife was back home getting her monthly shot and is preparing for her revision surgery.  I asked her if it was getting “old hat” and she said, “hardly”.  Silly me.  At least it was the easy technician who knew what he was doing she said.  Did I ever mention I hate needles?  It is hard asking her “how did your day go” without wincing.  I never hear really terrible things come out of her mouth, but I still worry something will.  She’s such a trooper and makes my life much easier than it really should be.  In some ways I feel guilty for not letting her put more on me.

Someone asked me about my recent post about my father and asked me why I don’t talk about my mother.  Funny, but they are right and I have been thinking about her a lot.  I was very close to my dad and many say that I am most like him.  We shared many close memories and I guess I talk about him more because I miss him.  My mother is turning 70-something this weekend and I feel like she is going on 60.  She’s been through a lot and now 3 years after my dad passed I look at her and see a woman who is fiercely independent, very strong, and extremely happy.  I still see her missing my dad, but nothing has changed for her and I’ve found my mom’s attitude to be one that my wife should follow. 

5 years removed from breast cancer, my mother doesn’t even think of breast cancer.  When she walked back into the clinics this past year with my wife, she said the smell and feel of the hospital made her sick.  She had put those years behind her and was fighting even before her hair grew back.  I can’t recall them all but since she had her surgery she’s been to China, South Africa, Morocco, several trips to New York and Vegas, Hawaii, Japan, Tibet, The Amazon, Costa Rica, Egypt and Russia.  “Where’s Mom now?” seems to be the cry amongst my siblings these days.  I told her that although she was an unstoppable ball of energy before her cancer that she seemed to be crazier than ever (I always tell people about how my mom is your proto-typical California mom who asks you “What’s your sign” before she asks your name).  My wife will never forget the first time they met.  My wife had this big painted wooden fish around her neck that she got somewhere in Mexico.  “Just call me Sue.  I’m a Pisces” were the words that rung out.  My future wife just giggled and looked at me.  I’m not that into astrology but I think Pisces and Sagittarius signs must get along very well.  Amyway, my mother said that cancer only made her more hungry to do more and make sure she left no stone unturned.  Every obstacle to her is now an opportunity and it shows.  She just never stops seeing the good in things.  I love it.

Today as I flew down to Los Angeles I called her just to say hi and how I look forward to seeing her this weekend.  I only got her voicemail (it’s all I get these days).  I could see her rolling her eyes wondering why I wanted to bother her.  I still hear her telling me to get outside and do things instead of sitting in front of the television.

I guess that is why travelling for work is not that bad for me.  Los Angeles is great people watching (at least better than sitting at my desk).  Today I went to lunch with a few colleagues.  They asked where I wanted to go eat and I always tell them that as long as there is good people watching, I’ll go anywhere.  We went to Le Petit Four on trendy W. Sunset in Hollywood.  Lots of blondes with too much cleavage sitting with old men with George Hamilton tans, but it was good although spendy.  I did spot Neil Sedaka though and he was the biggest star quality I could notice. Please tell me if you are reading this that you know who he is.  My two colleagues were too young to know.  Boy am I getting old.  Anyway, Neil was very flattered that this star-gazer spotted him and gave me a knowing smile.  

Well unfortunately there is a line on my horizon tonight as I have to board my plane!