I’m going to keep this brief as I’m just testing some links, but as it relates to my theory of web based personal retail the above example “virtual gallery” by Art.com is the perfect example for discussion that I thought I’d share it here.
Art.com calls itself the best kept secret on the web. In fact, it is the biggest brand you’ve never heard of. Above is what they call their virtual store. Any of their affiliates can place one of these “widgets” on their own website/blog as I am doing here. Now that is half the battle. There is no viralness to this widget. I do love that someone like myself can display for you some art that they find interesting or that they’d like to share with you. It allows me to broadcast what I like.
What do I not like about it you ask? Art.com does not make it easy to share. If someone wants to make a copy of this gallery or make one themself, how do they do that? Art.com has created a great widget. Now they have to turn on the marketing engines. Art.com has developed the application on Facebook, but similary there is no viralness. There should be an embed or share button somewhere. There might be, but I couldn’t find one.
If you want to get one of these widgets, go to http://affiliates.art.com